Hemophilia and Other Bleeding Disorders

Being diagnosed with Hemophilia or another bleeding disorder can be frightening. But with the right care and health management support, those with bleeding disorders can look forward to living long and healthy lives.

At Specialty Therapeutic Care (STC), we have years of experience caring for patients with bleeding disorders, including Hemophilia. We understand that bleeding disorders affect a person emotionally, as well as physically. We care about our patients’ welfare, and provide individualized support and services designed to manage treatment that empowers patients to be healthy, active, and thrive.

The key goal of treatment for a bleeding disorder is to stop and prevent bleeds. If the patient has been diagnosed with Hemophilia, treatment includes replacing the missing clotting factor and incorporating safe lifestyle choices.

STC wants to be a trusted partner, making a meaningful difference with clinical support and information needed to live well. We understand that each patient has different needs, and that is why we design a comprehensive, patient-specific plan customized for every situation, including identifying drug manufacturer copay programs that can reduce medication costs.

With STC, patients can expect the most up-to-date pharmacy, educational, reimbursement, and patient advocacy services available anywhere, and a care team that is on your side throughout your journey.


Pharmacy Services

  • All factor products delivered to your door
  • IV, injectable and oral medications available
  • Emergency same day delivery available
  • Pharmacist available 24/7
  • Multilingual staff
  • Coordination of nursing services
  • Drug recall alert program to ensure immediate notification of recalls
  • Assay management


  • I.V. and injectable drug therapy training to promote independence
  • Catheter/port care training
  • Adherence training
  • Reinforcement of Hemophilia Center treatment plan

Reimbursement Services

  • Comprehensive Benefits Investigation
  • Collaboration with treatment centers on prior authorization process
  • Monitoring lifetime maximums
  • Assistance in finding alternate sources of coverage (i.e., Medicare, high risk insurance pools, COBRA)

Patient Advocacy

  • Partner with non-profit organizations to provide current information on regional and national Hemophilia conferences, workshops and support groups
  • Facilitate access to manufacturer-sponsored copay assistance programs